Do you want to go to Erasmus or all the way to Asia? Find out your options at the UWB International Office.
The International Office (IO) is the central workplace responsible for the international activities of the UWB, which, in short, means advising individual faculties and departments on international education projects, facilitating contacts in foreign cooperation and preparing international agreements. The IO is also a contact point for foreign students who come here for a semester or an entire academic year.
Study stays
It is the IO that informs about the possibilities of study stays abroad (internships, language courses, studies, scientific and lecture stays, etc.) and coordinates international educational projects, such as Erasmus +. Follow the IO website, as well as your faculty website, for information on specific trips. Keep an eye on the offer and the dates; often you have to apply a year in advance.
Students often ask us when is the right time to go. What matters most is your motivation, your courage and the attitude of your teachers. We have a successfully tested summer study stay from the bachelor’s study program after the end of the first year, research for a bachelor thesis in summer semester second year and Erasmus in winter semester third year.
Priceless experience
The offer of study and professional internships at partner universities so far exceeds the demand, so the chance that they will choose you is quite high. In addition, the IO staff will be happy to advise you on the selection and guide you through the entire administrative process.
tel. +420 377 635 773
International Office
Univerzitní 20
301 00 Pilsen
door n.: UI 103, UI 110, UI 112 a UI120
Opening hours
Mon 12:30pm – 3pm
Wed 8:30am – 11am
(by appointment on other days)