Let us help you

„It is not a shame, that you don’t know, but that you don’t ask” (Turkish proverb)

Can’t you handle something? Don’t lost your head, you will find a lot of answers here. Didn’t find what you were looking for? See who you can contact.

Discover the wide range of services and activities that the Information and Counselling Center offers to UWB students!

Accommodation, social, special, merit and Ph.D. grants. How about them?

>What is ICC<

Accommodation, social, special, merit and Ph.D. grants. How about them?


Find out, when you may be charged a study-related fee and how to proceed when it has been selected.

>Study-related fees<

ICC manages several professional counselling centers. Need to talk to a psychologist or lawyer? They are here for you!


ICC is often involved in various projects or created them itself. See what it was like and what made it possible.


Are you looking for a quiet room for studying or a room for a chat with friends? Try university clubs!


You may be interested

>Need quick answers? Click the FAQ tab.<

>Wondering how to put together a schedule and which subjects to choose? Go to your study referent.<

>Don’t know what this is about? Study a university dictionary.<