What is ICC?

Let us help you!

The UWB Information and Counselling Center, in short ICC, s a university-wide workplace that operates several counselling centers for students. Are you lost in informations about the payment of accommodation and social grant or is study-related fees about you? The ICC will be happy to advise you.

It’s cool not to feel cool sometimes

UWB ICC is a complex system of study, social, psychology, legal and career services, which students can use. Foreign students studying in Czech study programs can use the counselling center for foreign students. Working with students with special educational needs is also a matter of course.

Student recreation room

ICC operates a student recreation room and co-working space Kulturka UWB in the center of Pilsen. On the campus in Bory you will find a B-room, which is taken care of by the ICC together with the CIV. Both student recreation rooms are often used for workshops and cultural events for students.


e-mail: ipcentr@rek.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 631 350-9

Information and Counselling Center

Univerzitní 20
301 00 Pilsen
door n. UI 213

Opening hours

Mon-Thu 9:00 – 15:00
(Holiday and exam period opening hours Mon – Thu 10:00 – 14:00)