UWB Libraries

Your JIS card is also a library card. As a UWB student, you can use the services of all professional libraries and study rooms of the University Library of the UWB (you can find a list of them, including opening hours, below). The University Library (UL) also includes the UWB Publishing and the Copy Center in Bory.

Practical information

You can borrow a book for a night or even a semester, always watch the labels at the publications:

  • yellow label: borrowing overnight (book to be returned by 9 am next working day, excuses won’t help, loan extension not possible)
  • green label: 1 week loan
  • blue label: 2 weeks loan
  • publication without labels: you can borrow max for 1 month / 1 semester

Publications can be found not only in the library, but also in the online catalogue ALEPH.

Let it be known that you are part of the UWB

The UWB Publishing offers students and the general public to buy over 300 professional publications, textbooks and scripts by UWB staff. You can buy these either in script stores or online through the university e-shop. There are dozens of promotional items on offer, such as college T-shirts, backpacks, pens, notebooks, or a thermo mug!


e-mail: knihovna@uk.zcu.cz
+420 377 637 700


Where can you find university libraries?

Bory Library

e-mail: pujcbor@uk.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 637 755
Univerzitní 18
301 00 Plzeň

Library of Philosophy and Law

e-mail: pujcpra@uk.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 637 744
Sady Pětatřicátníků 16
301 00 Plzeň

Pedagogical Library

e-mail: pujcped@uk.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 637 733
Klatovská 51
301 00 Plzeň

Library of Health care studies

e-mail: pujckzs@uk.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 637 788
Sedláčkova 31
301 00 Plzeň

Library of Economic in Cheb

e-mail: pujceko@uk.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 637 766
Hradební 22
350 02 Cheb

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