Modification of the study plan

If you are a student with specific needs, you can apply for a modification of the study plan and inclusion in the study system of people with specific needs.

Modification of the study plan may concern the entire period of study, only a part, or only some subjects. The course and rules for adjusting the study conditions are governed by the Study and Examination Regulations.

How to modify the study plan:

  • Modification of the study plan is permissible only at the level of the formal side of the study (i.e. at the technical and organizational level).
  • If you have not requested an adjustment of the admission procedure and you want to request an adjustment of the study plan, submit the application including proof of current health status (medical report, proof of disability, PPP report, etc.) via the ICC portal no later than 15 days before the course.
  • In exceptional cases, the application can also be submitted during the academic year, mainly due to a sudden change in health status.
  • The ICC will process the request and provide other necessary details.
  • The Dean of the Faculty decides on the adjustment of study conditions at the proposal of the ICC.

Possibilities of modifying the study plan

All adjustments are made individually based on the student’s request:

  • provision of teaching in barrier-free and properly equipped premises,
  • providing instruction in spaces that suit their adaptations (quiet environment, dim light, etc.),
  • increase of the time allowance for the preparation and the exam itself,
  • ensuring the access of an assistant, assistance dog, interpreter, etc.,
  • the possibility of using other compensatory aids,
  • provision of study and information materials in electronic form,
  • ensuring the possibility of making an audio recording of teaching (in case of a visually impaired student),
  • the possibility of diagnosing specific learning disabilities,
  • tolerance of grammatical errors in written expression (in the case of students with specific learning disabilities),
  • replacement of compulsory completion of the English language with another language that the student previously studied at the secondary school (in the case of students with specific learning disabilities),
  • omission of listening exercises during the study of foreign languages, replacement by another way of verifying knowledge (in the case of students with specific learning disabilities),
  • tolerance of more frequent changes in registration for exams,
  • modification of the form of teaching.

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Bc. Pavla Hrabačková

phone: +420 377 631 350

Information and Counselling Centre

Univerzitní 20
301 00 Pilsen
UI 2013

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