Study-related fees

Don´t panic!

DonDid you receive a letter from the UWB stating that you were charged a study-related fee? Stay calm and find out why you got study-related fee and how to proceed.

Student obligations

  • The student is obliged to pay study-related fees
  • The student is obliged to provide an address on the UWB Portal where he/she can always be reached
  • The student is obliged to check his/her university e-mail inbox for mail

Failure to meet the obligations listed above may be considered a disciplinary offence, which can result in expulsion.

Why UWB collects study-related fees?

In accordance with Section 58 (3) and (4) of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. On Higher Education Institutions and On Amendments and Supplements of Other Acts (Higher Education Act) the UWB is obliged to collect study-related fees. Except the Higher Education Act here is the Rector’s Directive R 19R/2013 and the Vice-Rector’s Directive 4P/2009. UWB currently charges fees for extended study only.


tel. +420 377 631 350-9

Information and Counselling Center UWB
Univerzitní 20
301 00 Pilsen
door n. UI 213

Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 9:00 – 15:00
(Holiday and exam period opening hours Mon – Thu 10:00 – 14:00)

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