17—18 Sep 2024, University Library at Bory and Kulturka
The two-day event will help you find your way around the university. You will find out what you will find at the UWB, what each workplace does and you will meet student associations. It will also allow you to meet friends and have a beer. The festival also includes slam poetry, sports competitions, tours of university buildings and the city, a film screening, a DJ, or a tent town right on campus! Events and barbecue food are free.
Year One – You can do it
How not to get lost at the university, where to go for a beer or something good to eat, what events to go to, or where in the city it lives? Get advice from the Year One team, whose activities are sponsored by the UWB Information and Counseling Center and the Rector.
During the year, the team of the Year One festival organizes workshops, walks through the city, a barbecue, and informs on social networks about events at the UWB and in Pilsen. You will find simple recipes on the blog. If you have tried a good recipe, you can share it.
The first year of college is difficult and exams aren’t easy, so contact the ICC and ask for help. You can find us in the university Bory Campus in the CIV building (door number UI 213) or in Kulturka (Sedláčkova 19).
What was the Year One festival like in previous years?
Information and Counselling Centre
Ing. Jana Hoffmannová
e-mail: sedovaj@rek.zcu.cz
tel. +420 377 631 357