Study options

Choose from a variety of studies!

At the UWB, you will find more than 130 study programs focused on technology, humanities, arts/sciences, economics, and health studies. There are several degrees and forms of study, so take a look below.

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor study programmes focus on preparation to enter a profession or post-bachelor master’s degree programmes. The standard length of study is 3 or 4 years (180 or 240 ECTS credits). Graduates then receive the academic degree of Bachelor (abbreviated as “Bc.”) or Bachelor of Arts (abbreviated as “BcA”.).
  • Master study programmes that do link up to a Bachelor study programme have the standard length of study 2 – 3 years (120 – 180 ECTS credits). Master study programmes that do not link up to a Bachelor study programme last 5 years (300 ECTS credits). Graduates receive the academic degree of “inženýr”, i.e. “Engineer” (abbreviated as “Ing.”) or “Magistr”, i.e. “Master” (abbreviated as “Mgr.”), or “Magistr umění”, i.e. “Master of Fine Arts” (abbreviated as “MgA.”).

Note: Graduates with Mgr. degree can go through a rigorous examination and get a so-called “small doctorate” — JUDr. (Doctor of Law), PhDr. (Doctor of Philosophy), RNDr. (Doctor of Natural Sciences)

  • Doctoral study programmes focus on scientific research and independent creative activity in research. The standard length of a doctoral study programme is 3 or 4 years. The study follows an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor. Graduates receive the academic degree of “Doctor” (abbreviated as “Ph.D.” listed behind the name).

Forms of study

  • Full-time: the most common form of university study,  that requires your regular personal attendance in class.
  • Combined: the study consists of regular consultations and self-study, which is supported by study facilities and includes e-learning tools. Full-time study takes place on Friday and Saturday.
  • Distance: the study takes place in a multi-media format without direct contact with the teachers.

Useful links

> Study offer <

> Study abroad <

> University Open Day <


> Contacts for individual faculties <

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