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Make it easier to sort your waste with Marushka


You want to sort the waste, but like Jan Neruda in his poem, you’re wondering where to put it? The Pilsner Marushka will help you!

Garbage is a big problem and a big topic in Pilsen. Under the slogan Clean Pilsen (Čistá Plzeň), the city has been fighting with them for a long time, but without the cooperation of the citizens themselves it is a fight with windmills. Do you know exactly where you can throw your waste?

Pilsen’s preparedness for waste sorting varies according to the part of the city. In Slovany, for example, you stumble upon a bio waste bin on every corner, while in some parts of the Jižní Předměstí you’d hardly even look for a plastic container. And what about when you want to throw away a metal can, the rest of oil from Sunday schnitzels or dead batteries?

Who is Marushka?

Marushka is a web environment for visualizing cartographic data and the city of Pilsen uses it to display its services, e.g. for public transport, public institutions or waste management. You can find a link to it here.

You can switch layers in the map depending on what you want to see on the map. However, some layers will only appear when you zoom in on the map. In the waste management tab, choose which type of waste you are interested in and the map will show you all the places where it can be disposed of. The map also shows the number of containers at each place and their volume. This gives you an overview of where you can go with cans, food leftovers and small electrical appliances.


I recommend checking the locations with red e-waste containers here, as Marushka’s database doesn’t include all e-waste containers. The official page for red containers will show you the containers in your area, after you enter your address.

Not all plastic rustles

You don’t know what exactly belongs in each container? It’s not always easy to sort out different packaging. It’s a good idea to follow the pictograms and codes on the packaging – each coloured container has codes of the materials that you can throw into them. But sometimes the situation is a little more complicated. Where it is not worthwhile to have a separate container for metals or beverage cartons, and where there is also a demand from companies to sort them, you can find a coloured sticker for these materials on the plastic container. Only then, in addition to PET bottles and other plastics, are you allowed to drop a can or milk carton into a yellow container. You can find out where specific materials belong in the waste dictionary.


Collection yards

Not everything belongs in the recycling containers and not everything fits in them. That’s what collection yards are for. There are five of them in Pilsen and Marushka will show you their location. As well as general waste, you can take bulky waste, electrical appliances, dangerous waste or used cooking oil to collection yards. You can find more information about the collection yards on this link.

The activity of the collection yard is free for all residents of Pilsen, for others there is the price list. Don’t be discouraged, the prices are low and you can put there, for example, cooking oil, metals and electrical waste for free wherever you live.

And if you have expired medicines in your first aid kit at home, return them to any pharmacy. The pharmacist will accept them for free.

Don’t throw it away 

You don’t have to throw away everything you don’t need! Things that aren’t suitable for one, the other person could use, you can offer on the Nevyhazujto (Don’t Throw It Away) page. You can also provide them on Facebook in the group Bezpeněžní zóna v Plzni (No Money Zone in Pilsen). Last but not least, Pilsen also has containers for worn textiles and shoes for children and adults. They’re marked KLOKTEX sign with a picture of a kangaroo and by throwing your clothes in, you`ll help, among others, the Kangaroo Children at Risk Fund (Fond ohrožených dětí Klokánek) or SOS Children’s Villages (SOS dětské vesničky). Helping is so easy and you don’t have to go far for it; you`ll find 61 such containers in Pilsen!

Unwanted clothes can also be handed in at the Šatník pro samoživitele (Wardrobe for a single parent) in Čermákova Street on any working day from 2 to 6 p.m.Did you find the article helpful or is there anything missing? Share your experience with us on Facebook or Instagram!

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