Social Counselling

Areas addressed by the social section of the counselling center:

  • counselling on grants,
  • counselling on health and social insurance,
  • interpretation of social legislation,
  • possibilities and conditions of employment during study,
  • issues of having a family while at university,
  • healthy lifestyle counselling.

Parenthood and study

The university must create the conditions for parents caring for their child to avoid any disadvantages in their studies. The Institute of Registered Period of Parenthood (RPP) is used for this. A student can apply for RPP no earlier than 8 weeks before the planned date of birth. The student is entitled to RPP from the date of birth of the child. In both cases, it lasts until the child is 3 years old. RPP is registered in IS / STAG.

Within the RPP, the parent can request an interruption of studies for the entire period of the RPP, the period of interruption is not included in the maximum period of study or in the time decisive for the calculation of the study-related fee. The parent can also request an extension of the deadlines for fulfilling study obligations (max. for the duration of the RPP).

The parent requests in writing from his student administration office about RPP registration, interruption of studies, or extension of deadlines for fulfilling study obligations. The mother submits a copy of the pregnancy card, and the father a copy of the child’s birth certificate.

The university must create the conditions for parents caring for their child to avoid any disadvantages in their studies. The so-called Registered period of parenthood means the period during which maternity or parental leave would otherwise last up to the age of three.

Health insurance

Health insurance is compulsory for everyone in the Czech Republic. For university students up to the age of 26 (in the case of Ph.D. students still for the standard period of Ph.D. studies), the state pays for health insurance, even in the case of students of combined studies. After reaching this age limit, the obligation to pay health insurance passes to you or your employer.

In case of participation in a short-term study stay abroad (official trip guaranteed by the UWB – internship, language course, summer school, etc.). You remain a UWB student and the health insurance is covered (up to your 26 years) by the state.

If you have completed your university studies, the state shall cover your health insurance for the entire calendar month after the completion of your studies.

Social insurance

From 1 October 2010, the time of study is not included in the insurance period qualifying you for a retirement pension.

Social insurance is not mandatory, but you can arrange participation in the insurance in another way. There are 2 options. You have the option to apply to the district social security administration to pay social insurance voluntarily, or if you are employed, your social insurance is paid by your employer.

Maintenance obligation

The maintenance obligation of the parents towards the children lasts until the children can support themselves. There is no age limit in the Civil Code limiting the maintenance obligation of parents to children. Even reaching the age of 26 is not necessarily decisive. However, the parent’s maintenance obligation cannot be perceived as boundless. In a situation where the study does not show signs of consistency and purposefulness, it cannot be justly demanded from the parents. A prerequisite for the provision of maintenance is therefore a high probability of successful completion of studies (not multiple completion and entry into studies for many years).

If the child gets married, a maintenance obligation arises between the spouses, whereas the maintenance obligation of the parents towards this child ceases. Only if, e.g. both spouses are students, does the maintenance obligation of the parents be maintained, or another child’s ancestor.

More information about the maintenance obligations you’ll find e.g. on the Ombudsman website.

Students and taxes

As a university student in full-time, combined, or distance learning, you can apply for tax deduction, due to constant preparation for future professions. The period of continuous preparation also includes the period of holidays after passing the school-leaving examination or the state final examination immediately before enrollment in (further) university studies. The delay between individual university studies may not exceed 3 months. Continuous preparation ends the month following the passing of the state final exam or thesis defense. In the case of leaving the study or expulsion from the study, the continuous preparation ends on the day of termination of the study.


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